Changes from July 2023

We need you to know there are some changes happening…
New Online Booking Portal
We have changed over to a much more user friendly system. This means when you book online things will look a bit different and you might be asked to update a few of your details. Check it out here.
Price Increase
We’ve been riding the wave as costs for products, bills, and operating costs have risen, but it’s come time to make some adjustments.
Our new price list will be on our website for you to review from Monday 10 July 2023.
New prices will come into place the week later starting Monday 17 July 2023.
Updated Terms & Conditions
We aren’t a fan of paperwork and would much rather cuddle your pets, but it’s been 3 years since we updated our T&Cs, and lots has changed! To keep you well informed, we will be getting you to sign a new disclaimer form (even if you are an existing client.)
We know change can be a bit uncomfortable, but these changes mean we can provide your beautiful pet with the very best!
If you have any concerns, please reach out.
As always, we want to sincerely thank you for your patience and support.
Uncanny Animals 🌈🐾✨✂️🦄